The impact of T.V on public opinion


The impact of T.V on public opinion
The impact of T.V 


    The researcher on media see that the T.V has the ability to create new public opinion about new topics, because the novelty of the topic and its lack of connection with pre-existing trends of opinion makes it able to overcome the difficulties that usually face a shift away from opinion, so the public in this case is not prepared to reject the point of view it hears about a new topic on it, as "Goebbels" the Nazi Party propaganda minister says to Hitler: "Who says the first word to the world is always right."

   The T.V has a great influence in drawing the public’s perception of the world or forming opinions and ideas of its own. Although the ordinary public has not ascended into space, and not all of its members have undergone major surgery, the T.V has provided them with a lot of information through which they can be on an image. As well as the fact that the T.V has the ability to raise the public’s interest in some issues, whether at the local or international level, and influence its judgments in some situations through the information and interpretations they provide that serve this or that direction.

    The reason for this effectiveness is due to the wide spread and the great ability to polarize and dazzle for T.V beside its intense competition with other social institutions in the field of public influence, which enables the T.V to significantly shape the mental image of peoples and countries, as the media works to transport individuals from Their narrow world into a wider and wider world, and thus it is considered the natural extension of their eyes and ears.

   So, the T.V is one of the most important means of forming and making a mental image, and this mental image can solidify and turn into a stereotyped image that is difficult to change in the short term. The role of the T.V does not stop at creating mental images and patterns for their audiences. Rather, it’s may greatly amplify these images and imprint them strongly in their minds. Dr. Mona Al-Hadidi emphasized the increasing importance of the content presented through the T.V in the formation and strengthening of the mental image due to the absence of direct experience or personal experience, the fact that the individual is forced to understand and perceive phenomena and things depending on indirect experiences through the T.V.

   And as is well known, the T.V has great power through which it is possible to change peoples' wills, reform community priorities and the possibility of forming a global culture. According to some studies in this field, it has been proven that nearly 70% of the image that a person builds of his world is derived from T.V, and most researchers agree that the T.V change the attitudes of its audience from indifference, ridicule and sometimes mockery to interest in the issues at hand.

   The T.V also sometimes can succeed in changing negative trends, especially when confusion and uncertainty about certain matters are spread. Some experts believe that the T.V should be a means to spread change and not to consolidate the trends and values that already exist, especially in developing countries, because it is one of the main tools through which people in developing countries can be taught new ways of thinking and behavior.






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